Discover what your dollars truly mean by converting them to time and any other item you can imagine. Check out what awaits you with the highly addictive MyCost.
Youll realize how long you have to work to buy that TV, or how many pizzas you could be enjoying instead. This radical way of looking at your money will curb your insatiable appetite for spending.
“With myCost, my kids finally understand how many weeks they’ll have to work to buy their next video game” –Sophia S. from Dallas
Get your favorite comparisons, such as the Clothes Pack, which has items like jeans, a t-shirt, flip-flops, and a jacket. See for yourself why inquisitive minds of all ages -- kids to businesspeople -- are enamored with the way this app explores the endless possibilities of substituting things for dollars to discover your true cost.
“myCost gives me a quick glance at what I’m really spending – my time at work.” –Brad A. from Austin
Download it for free today!
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